Final Day of Hearing on SB 423 Injunction

There’s what’s going on in the courtroom and there is also a lot of documents submitted to the judge from both sides that are part of the case. Reading material, you might say. I believe the judge will read them. All of it factors into Judge Reynolds’ opinion.

The feeling in the air is that the severability issue will come into play with this court decision. Some provisions of SB 423 will be allowed to go into effect, some won’t. But it’s just a feeling in the air.

This morning, Mark Long, Narcotics Bureau Chief, will return to the stand. The state will continue its questioning of the witness and then MTCIA attorneys will cross-examine. Then, the state will call Sue O’Connell. Ms. O’Connell works for legislative services. During the 2011 session, everybody talked to Sue. She was the bill drafter for medical marijuana legislation. She’s been the one answering questions since the interim committee last summer. How will she serve the state’s case? Not sure.

There may not be time for any further witnesses than that. The plan is to be finished by noon today. Judge Reynolds has said he will not hand down a decision immediately (“rule from the bench”). But he has said he will decide before June 30.

Watching the proceedings, sometimes you can forget what this hearing is about. It’s not about storefronts or irresponsibly run traveling clinics. This case is about privacy and the right to be left alone by government. It’s about health and the dignity of the individual.

Health. Privacy. Dignity.

May Judge Reynolds rule in its favor.

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