March 2012
Children, Family, Health, & Human Services Interim Committee Meeting
The following was presented by Chris Lindsey at the Children, Family, Health, & Human Services Interim Committee Meeting in Helena on March 30, 2012. Madam Chair, ladies and gentlemen of the committee, my name is Chris Lindsey, and I am here on behalf of the MTCIA. If the purpose of SB423 was to encourage people to leave the system, the current law has been a tremendous success. If the purpose was to regulate medical marijuana in a way that can help [...]
Lawsuit Update
On April 30, the Montana Supreme Court will hear oral arguments to determine if Judge Reynolds was right in granting the temporary injunction that blocked certain portions of SB 423. The hearing will be held in Bozeman at the MSU Strand Union Building. The Montana Supreme Court holds an annual ‘Law Day’ on the MSU campus to provide the public with an opportunity to see the high court in action. They typically choose a high profile case for this event. Some [...]
One way you can help…
The recent federal raids of state legitimate medical cannabis providers in Yellowstone County have people across Montana concerned for many reasons. Patients are worried about having safe access to cannabis. While their legal providers are federally raided and being forced to shut down, these patients are left with nowhere to turn for safe, legitimate access to their medicine. State compliant providers still existing under SB423 are worried about having their businesses shut down and their lives ruined because of federal intrusion [...]
Medical Marijuana Law FAQ
We just published a new page here on the site that is an FAQ on the law as it currently stands. It is on the lengthy side, but well worth your time if it helps ensure that you are adhering to state law. Check it out here. For future reference, there will be a permanent link to the FAQ at the top of this page. Read it, then read it again.
MTCIA’s Comments on Raids in Billings
As many of you know, more federal raids took place in the Billings area on Wednesday, February 28th. We are saddened that the federal government continues to harass people who are attempting to abide by a law created and adopted by our own state legislature. The U.S. Attorneys Office has released that searches were completed in at least four medical marijuana businesses. The MTCIA has only been able to confirm two of those searches – one storefront and one warehouse. Despite [...]
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