Vote AGAINST SB 423 Flyers

We finally have some flyers available for volunteers to print out and distribute around your community.  This truly is a grassroots effort we are undertaking and your help will make a difference.  The flyer is available in color or B&W and full page or 4/page.  The links to each of the files are below.  We will have stickers available sometime soon.

We are required by the Montana Commissioner of Political Practices to report all of the contributions made on behalf of the MTCIA for IR-124.  If you choose to print flyers for your community, please send a message to giving an estimate of how much you spent or the value of your in-kind donation.  You can also send receipts to MTCIA, PO Box 9085, Missoula, MT 59807.  If you contribute more than $35, we will also need your name, mailing address, and occupation.  These rules apply to all expenditures related to IR-124.

Full-Size Flyer: Bad for Patients, Bad for Montana

Full-Size B&W Flyer: Bad for Patients, Bad for Montana

4/page Color Flyer: Bad for Patients, Bad for Montana



More coming soon!

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