“Code of the West” Documentary Now Available Online

Drug policy reform continues to make national headlines, but reasoned, bipartisan dialogue on the issues is increasingly rare. Now, CODE OF THE WEST captures the human story behind the legislative process of state-level marijuana policy reform, revealing with nuance and compassion the fight for and against medical marijuana legalization in Montana.

Now you can watch the film online for $5! Purchase a individual stream of the film at http://www.newdaydigital.com/Code-of-the-West.html (scroll to the bottom of the page for the $5 individual stream option)

“A keen eye for the how the legislative process works – and doesn’t…Code of the West is a must-see for anyone interested in drug reform and patients’ – or states’ – rights.”
–Jordan Smith, Austin Chronicle

“Captures the full complexity and nuance of the medical marijuana issue without polemics….A wonderful examination of what democracy looks like up close, when citizens acting in good faith fight in support of opposing convictions.”
–Robert MacCoun, Professor of Law and Public Policy, UC Berkeley

“Explores the complexity of the medical marijuana debate currently unfolding in many US states. Richman Cohen’s focus on the human side of the debacle skillfully navigates the nuances of preemption, discretionary enforcement, and other contours of what is one of today’s most interesting regulatory issues. Engaging as it is educational, this film is a powerful tool for exploring the legal, social, and generational facets of today’s drug policy debate.”
–Leo Beletsky, Assistant Professor of Law and Health Sciences, Northeastern University School of Law

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