Honk and Wave in Billings

A “honk and wave” event was held in Billings yesterday with another planned today, November 1st. The event was another great success, and we received tons of support for the repeal SB423.

Special thanks to Elizabeth and the 8 other volunteers who were on hand to hold signs, wave at drivers and spread the word that SB423 needs to go. We had a strong presence at the corner of 24th and King, one of the busiest corners in the city. The response was overwhelming and an anonymous law enforcement officer even honked and briefly flashed his lights as he drove by.  Awesome!

Another event is planned for today, Thursday, Nov. 1, 11am-1pm in front of West Park Plaza. Please come out and show your support! These are the last days before the election and we really need everyone involved to help get the message out.

There will be at least two locations for a honk & wave Saturday, Nov. 3rd from 11am-1pm. One location in the Heights, the other on the west end. Please call with any questions. Let’s make these final days before the election count!

To participate and show your support for overturning SB423, contact Elizabeth at 697-1810 (cell) or 690-7422 (office).

Great work everyone, and lets keep up the momentum!

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