Acknowledging Challenges And Moving On

The Montana Cannabis Industry Association accepted Nathan Pierce’s resignation on May 6 upon learning that he had unresolved legal issues previously thought to be dismissed. The action was immediate in order not to distract from the collective mission to protect the medical cannabis program in Montana and stop the devastation that would be caused by SB 423.

Pierce used skills he cultivated with the Builders’ Association to create association documents such as bylaws and articles of incorporation back in February. After the passage of SB 423 on the last day of legislative session (April 28), he offered this administrative infrastructure (the organization) as a vehicle that could be used to run the effort to stop SB 423. He invited people to the Board who were willing and able to play professional hardball with those who would destroy Montanans’ access to medical cannabis.

This group of people met for the first time on April 29, within 24 hours after the passage of SB 423. Since then, we’ve set up communications networks, interviewed lawyers, hired a top shelf attorney, generated and submitted language to the Secretary of State for a referendum to stop SB 423 from going into effect, and have challenged the advertising ban slated to go into effect today. In these two weeks, we’ve traveled and talked to groups of concerned citizens in Kalispell and Bozeman. Missoula is tonight, and Billings is scheduled for next week. With your help, we’ve raised $50,000 for a retainer for our attorney Jim Goetz. All in two weeks.

Instead of reeling from what the legislature did to medical cannabis at 8:30 pm on a Thursday night, we set about deciding what to do about it and not to take it lying down by Friday afternoon. The MTCIA, as it is, was launched on April 29. Pierce resigned upon the group becoming aware of his unresolved issues on May 6.

We want you to know we acknowledge concerns about putting the best face of the movement forward which is why we acted immediately. Just as Pierce’s resignation was important if we are to keep our focus, so is it imperative that we not keep looking at a matter that’s been promptly addressed, but that we instead remain focused on our mission. Pierce exited an organization he founded because the mission is so important. What we give our attention to builds towards what we want.

The MTCIA is committed to keeping our immediate focus on safe access and respect for the democratic process and the will of the people.


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