January Panel Update

This afternoon the MTCIA participated in a panel before the Children and Families Interim Committee. Legislative Services and DPHHS also gave presentations. DPHHS mentioned a few items that will be in the final rules (not a comprehensive report). They said the rules will be filed on January 30th.
Some items they mentioned:
– Random testing for Pesticides
– METRC for a tracking system
– Training on tracking system to be provided for providers beginning February 5th.
– Eliminating the “no criminal history for employees” provision
– The expectation that tracking will be online by March 19th.
– An additional licensing tier for providers with 15-50 patients
– A clear statement that 3rd party (or the workaround of calling oneself an employee) is not permitted at this time.
During our presentation we made it clear we support 3rd party contracting once a tracking system is up and clear licensing for those 3rd parties created.
Thank you,

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