MTCIA Progress Report

Wish we were in the homestretch but, as they say, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. Our friends in Billings face challenges again. Yellowstone County has banned storefronts, effective immediately.

Yet the work goes on.

Thanks to all those who have been responding to the need to support the efforts in Montana to protect access and promote the truth about cannabis and its applications.

Good news includes:

 · A $1000 donation from a Kalispell business

· A pledge for $1000 from the Eureka area. The “pledger” is also collecting signatures and reports that it’s going well there

· A new dues paying member from Helena who also made a donation to the larger effort

· So far, $6000 has been raised since Monday for the larger effort

 · Ed picked up $500 in donations (jars) in the Flathead

· The MTCIA meeting in Kalispell drew in four new dues paying members

Montana’s cannabis constituency has a record of turning out and doing what needs to be done. The signature gatherers are working on behalf on tens of thousands of patients and hundreds of thousands of voters. More than 21,000 signatures have been reported (though not yet validated). If the pace can be maintained, the 5% goal will be reached.

The MTCIA is honored to serve as part of this collective effort for access, safety, quality, and a place for cannabis in our culture that reflects reality. These values are our leaders and keeping them in our sight can provide us guidance.

Spread the word. Recruit support. Keep up the good work.

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